DEREK ANDREW SHARP has been a long time BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER and ANGEL fan since the original BUFFY film was released back in the early 90s.
He has an extensive background in genre work: he's written a number of drafts of JASON VS. MICHAEL (one of which nearly went under the camera), he's written a number of episodes for the short-lived HALLOWEEN THE SERIES - based on the films of the same name, he has also taken on the task of adapting DEADPOOL for the big screen, but is most well known for TWILIGHT, a long running zombie script of his which has gone through many variations.
He has also tackled two of DC's Icons - Batman and Superman. He had a twelve issue stint (two arcs worth) for BATMAN THE ONLINE SERIES and a mini-series picking up where SUPERMAN BIRTHRIGHT left off focusing directly on Lex Luthor.
He also writes, directs, produces and acts for Twilight Productions - his own studio, which supports sites and projects like this Virtual Series.
He is also a script doctor, editor and reviewer of other people's screenplays, novels, fan fiction and short stories.
And he honestly doesn't know the meaning of spare time.